John Stringer

AM John Stringer, RAF

Deputy Commander, NATO’s Combined Force Space Component Command
Royal Air Force

Air Marshal Johnny Stringer, Royal Air Force, has been the Deputy Commander of NATO’s Allied Air Command, headquartered at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, since August 2022.

Air Marshal Johnny Stringer was born in Sale and educated at Watford Boys’ Grammar School and New College, University of Oxford. Johnny was sponsored by the Royal Air Force (RAF) through both 6th Form and University, and after officer and pilot training, he joined the Jaguar Force at Royal Air Force (RAF) Coltishall in 1993. A Qualified Weapon Instructor, he flew operationally over the Former Yugoslavia and helped enforce the Northern Iraq No Fly Zone. His staff experience at Squadron Leader (OF-3) and Wing Commander (OF-4) included tours in the RAF’s fast jet group Headquarters and in the Ministry of Defence on future combat air capability.

From 2007 to 2009, Johnny commanded 29 Squadron, the Typhoon Operational Conversion Unit at RAF Coningsby; leaving on promotion, he spent two years as Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff (DACOS) Joint Effects in the J3 Division of the UK Permanent Joint Headquarters at Northwood. He returned to New College as a visiting Trenchard Fellow on the Oxford Changing Character of War programme in autumn 2011.

Between October 2012 and September 2014, Johnny commanded RAF Coningsby and its Typhoon Wing, supporting national and overseas Typhoon operations, and displayed the Spitfire and Hurricane with the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. He was posted as Assistant Chief of Staff Operations (ACOS Ops) to Headquarters Air Command in August 2015 before commanding No.83 Expeditionary Air Group as the U.K. Air Component Commander between October 2016 and October 17, in charge of all national air operations in the fight against Daesh (also known as the Islamic State) in Operation SHADER and across the region.

Promoted to Air Vice-Marshal, Johnny was Chief of Staff at U.K. Joint Forces Command (JFC) and subsequently Director Strategy as JFC evolved into UK Strategic Command, overseeing its work on the 2021 UK Defence and Security Integrated Review. He has recently concluded a professional placement with Rebellion Defence.

Johnny is a graduate of the U.K. Advanced and Higher Command and Staff Courses, the Royal College of Defence Studies and holds Masters degrees from Oxford and Kings College London. He has over 3000 flying hours, predominantly on single seat combat aircraft.

Johnny is married to Lisa and has two sons. His interests include history, art and literature, food and drink, and road cycling.

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